Veteran Women's Enterprise Center (VWEC) empowers entrepreneur women associated with the military to scale for succes.

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Interested in starting your own journey but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with VR Small, Founder and CEO of Veteran Women's Enterprise Center (VWEC)

Tell us about yourself:

Interestingly enough, when individuals inquired how or why I started the Veteran Women's Enterprise Center (VWEC), I have to admit it was a situation of being in what I thought was the right place at the right time. When I returned home to Dallas in 2015, my goal was to continue teaching as a full-time professor, pursue my doctorate, write my book, and share my findings.

However, through involvement in a variety of female veteran-focused events, I learned about the challenges facing women veteran entrepreneurs and their need for business support. I had personally launched and ran a successful business as well as an executive women's networking group in New York, so with my background in business, organizational, and program development, the ability to meet this need felt like a natural fit. However, securing 2,700 square feet of in-kind space, along with between $250k-$500k in renovation support—sealed the deal and set me on my journey toward building the VWEC. Read the full article here.